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Table 1 Details of regression models utilized in this research

From: Wind speed prediction for site selection and reliable operation of wind power plants in coastal regions using machine learning algorithm variants

Regression model

Full form

Main features


Multiple linear regression

- Explores linear correlations between input variables (Salah et al., 2022)


Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator

- Assigns one of the correlated predictors an elevated weight while minimizing the other correlated predictors to almost zero

- Imposes a penalty on the total absolute values of the coefficients, named L1 penalty (Salah et al., 2022)


Regularized inverse depth generating estimators

- Assigns weights that are similar to correlated predictors

- Imposes an L2 penalty to the total squared values of the coefficients (Salah et al., 2022)

Elastic Net

Elastic net regression

- Handles collinear data and prevent overfitting

- Combines components of both Lasso (L1) and Ridge (L2) regularization approaches (Malakouti, 2023)


K-nearest neighbors

- Makes predictions based on the average of the k-nearest neighbors' majority vote for a given data point

- Applies a distance metric (Euclidean distance) which defines "nearest" (Tarek et al., 2023)


Decision tree

- Identifies the greatest feature and split point at each node using mean squared error (MSE)

- Makes judgments by recursively separating the data based on features (Talekar, 2020)


Random forest

- Combines multiple decision trees to improve prediction accuracy as an ensemble learning method

- Entails averaging the predictions made by several trees after they have been trained on arbitrary subsets of the data (Talekar, 2020)


Gradient boosting regression

- Reduces the loss function using gradient descent optimization

- Utilizes the decision trees which are shallow and have little depth, as weak learners (Tarek et al., 2023)


Adaptive boosting

- Creates a series of weak learners, which are usually shallow decision trees, and evaluates their performance using an exponential loss function (Jasman et al., 2022)


Extreme gradient boosting

- Well-known for its rapidity and effectiveness as a powerful gradient boosting algorithm

- Creates a strong regression model by building a sequence of decision trees one after the other, each one fixing the mistakes of the previous one (“POWER | Data Access Viewer”, 2023)


Light gradient boosting machine

- Well-recognized for its exceptional performance as a gradient boosting framework

- Especially effective with the large datasets and provides quicker training times without sacrificing its remarkable accuracy in regression tasks (Malakouti, 2023)


Categorical boosting

- Combines dynamic learning rates, ordered boosting, and oblivious trees as an advanced gradient boost technique (Jasman et al., 2022)

- Gains popularity, especially when working with complex datasets that contain categorical categories



- Understands relationships in sequential data as a type of recurrent neural network (RNN)

- Excels at modeling sequences where long-term context is crucial because of its ability to store and propagate information over extended periods of time (Elsaraiti & Merabet, 2021)


Gated recurrent unit

- Develops relationships in sequential data as a type of recurrent neural network (RNN)

- Detects long-term dependencies in sequential data while mitigating the problem of vanishing gradients that conventional RNNs encounter (Tao et al., 2022)