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Table 7 Advantages and limitations of calorimetry

From: Examining the influence of thermal effects on solar cells: a comprehensive review

Accurate measurement

Thermal conductivity

Steady-state and transient analysis

Complex setup

Localized measurement

Thermal inertia

Provides accurate measurements of heat generated by a solar cell, allowing for precise assessment of thermal effects

Can determine the thermal conductivity of solar cell materials, crucial for understanding heat dissipation mechanisms

Allows for both steady-state and transient thermal analysis, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of thermal behavior (Fang et al., 2023)

Experiments often require specialized equipment and setups, making them more challenging and time-consuming to perform

Measurements are typically localized and may not capture temperature variations across the entire solar cell

Rapid temperature changes may not be captured adequately due to the heat accumulation and dissipation nature of calorimetry (Malik et al., 2021)