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Table 9 Advantages and limitations of thermal imaging

From: Examining the influence of thermal effects on solar cells: a comprehensive review


High spatial resolution

Real-time monitoring

Surface measurement


Environmental factors

Thermal imaging is non-invasive, making it suitable for monitoring solar cell temperatures during operation without interfering with performance (Zhao et al., 2020b)

Offers high spatial resolution, allowing for detailed temperature mapping of solar cell surfaces (Zhao et al., 2020b)

Provides real-time temperature data, enabling dynamic temperature analysis (Costanza, 2022)

Primarily captures surface temperatures, limiting its ability to assess temperature gradients within the bulk of solar cells (Zhao et al., 2020b)

High-quality thermal cameras can be expensive, restricting availability for some researchers (Polo-Mendoza et al., 2023)

Weather conditions and environmental factors can influence results, requiring careful experimental setup and analysis (Polo-Mendoza et al., 2023)