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Table 2 Definitions of variables used in the study

From: Household demand and supply for clean groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam



General sample and non-GSU user sample



Sex (1 for male; otherwise 0)


Age in years


Educational level (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for illiterate, primary, secondary, high school, and tertiary level, respectively)


Dummy variable of occupation (1 for farmer; otherwise 0)


Ethnic (1 for Kinh; otherwise 0)


Years of residence in the study site

 Family number

Number of family members


Monthly household income (million VND)


Distance from household to nearest GSU (km)

GSU user sample



District (1 for Phong Dien District; otherwise 0)


District (1 for Cai Rang District; otherwise 0)


District (1 for O Mon District; otherwise 0)


Educational level (1 for illiteracy or primary school; otherwise 0)


Educational level (1 for secondary school; otherwise 0)


Years of residence (1 for prior to 1975; otherwise 0)


Years of residence (1 for 1976 to 1985; otherwise 0)


Years of residence (1 for 1986 to 1995; otherwise 0)

 Amount 1

GSU water amount bought monthly

GSU manager sample



Depth of GSU well (m)

 Manager education

Dummy variable of educational level (1 for high school or tertiary; otherwise 0)

 Years GSU established

Number of years the GSU plant has been established (up to 2006)

 Amount 2

GSU water quantity sold monthly (m3)


Designed capacity (number of households)